The sequel was created under the direction of master game designers Sid Meier and Brian Reynolds. Both the first game and its sequel, Sid Meier's Civilization II, were produced by Microprose. Since the release of the first Sid Meier's Civilization in 1991, each title in this popular series of turn-based strategy games has received praise and respect from the critics, the gaming industry, and (most importantly) the gamers themselves.
The Civilization series returns to familiar ground with new flair in Sid Meier's Civilization III.
This 'Game of the Year' edition contains the full version of the acclaimed turn-based strategy, three new game maps, 'The Making of Civilization III' video, a Command Card, and an excerpt from Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Following the greatly anticipated 2002 Macintosh release of Sid Meier's Civilization III, a number of critics and publications honored the title with their Strategy Game of the Year awards.